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Fig. 6 | Genome Biology

Fig. 6

From: Ki-67 is necessary during DNA replication for fork protection and genome stability

Fig. 6

Changes in the phosphoproteome upon Ki-67 degradation at the G1/S boundary. A Scheme of the experiment. B Graphs representing the log2 ratio between heavy and light peptides and their normalised intensity. On the right are represented the proteins that were only found phosphorylated in the light sample (HCT116:Ki-67-AID + auxin). C Representations of the different protein groups enriched in the HCT116:Ki-67-AID + auxin phosphoproteome. The different colours relate to the named categories and the numbers represent the false discovery rate. The red and the blue circles highlight the DNA damage-related proteins and cohesin/regulator proteins respectively. D–F List of the proteins and their phosphosites enriched in the HCT116:Ki-67-AID (control) and HCT116:Ki-67-AID + auxin (auxin) samples

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